Monday, May 5, 2008

The First Tenet of Green BIM

The first fundamental of an iterative Green BIM process is the necessity for integrated 3D design. Alternative workflows will ultimately lead to a clumsy process of redrawing, working backwards, and constantly fighting deadlines with an inefficient use of resources. To be very clear about what I'm saying, a design or changes to a design can begin with a sketch, but every move thereafter must first be made first to the BIM model...the model must always be the most up-to-date file in the project folder.

Bahrain Water Gardens - a successful BIM design and analysis process.

When a designer insists upon working in a non-BIM system it is imperative that any presentation drawings must first go through the BIM application before the date of submission. If the project team has to rely on a process of continually revising the analysis model post deadline, no progress can be made and the iterative analysis will disappear from the process.

Bahrain Water Gardens - every design decision is validated by instant analysis

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